Gotta love MCR
I Never Told You What I Do For A Living
This blog is for Shane Stoner Freak to rant about books, the ones she's reading and writing! she also posts quotes and amazing pics!
Welcome To Hell
Welcome to Hell Folks! Shane is a Young YA Fic Author, who is currently writing her first novel titled "My Lady, The Reaper" and "Non Serviam". She is also writing a novel with her sister Dylan titled, "Welcome To Hell", hence Shanes intro. In this blog, Shane Will be writing about books she has read, and the books she is currently writing. She also tends to post quotes, mostly about the devil. She is a shameless Athiest, who hates it when people force their religion on her. She's a Aries and gets bored easily, so post good things. Follow her and she will follow back! And yes, She speaks in third person! Don't Judge!
About Me

- ShaneStonerFreak
- She's a younge novelist trying to finish her first YA book and get published before she finishes school. And yeah, she speaks in 3rd person.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
You And Me
Letters start with A B C. Numbers start with 1 2 3. Music starts with Do- Re- Mi. And love starts with you and me!
Because I Loved You
When i met you my heart skipped a beat. The Sun became the Moon, and cold turned into heat. Roses weren't red and violets weren't blue all beacuse I loved you...
Define Love:
Love = We think about it, dream about it, lose sleep worrying about it.When we dont have it we search for it, and when we discover it we dont know what to do with it. We fear losing it. It's our source of pleasure and pain but we cant predict where it will be from, or when it will come. It's a short word, easy to spell but hard to define, and impossible to live without... Can you define Love?
What Is A Friend?
A friend is someone who you think your life would be different if they didn't exist. A friend is someone who NEVER leaves you out, you are ALWAYS included when you are with them. A friend is there for you no matter what...
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Monday, May 23, 2011
Whispers In The Dark
My feet sank into the mud on the damp cliff. I closed my eyes letting the crushing sound of the waves on the rocks explodein my ears. Smiling as I heard the cries of seagulls. The crisp ocean air filled my lungs, a drizzle of rain fell on my exposed arms.The wind whipped my hair in my face rasing goose fleash on my arms. The skirt of my white sun dress blew, trashing devilishly against the wind. I took two steps and my toes peeked over the edge of the cliff. I opened my eyes, marveling at the near 100 yard drop.
Electrcity mixed with ecstasy flowed through my veins making me sway back and forth. I could hear a girl no older than I, calling me, luring me. "Avery, Avery. Won't you join me?" she sang, over and over like and angels choir. Then, her voice melted away, s]changing into the paniced tone of my mother. "Avery! What are you doing? Move from there!"
I longed to go to the girl that called my name. Yearned for her intoxicating voice, her hypnotizing songs. She was like a Siren and I the sailer. "Come find me Ave." i heard her whisper. I raised my hands out to my sides and let my body tip off the edge of the cliff. I heard my mother call my name on last time, then nothing.
My body glided threw the air, and I felt like I was flying.
I hit the freezing cold water and an agonizing pain split through every crevice of my being. Then as fast as it had come it went away. Then something caught my eye. A slender body was floating up above me. The body of a girl with flowing brown hair and pale skin. I quickly realized that it was my body. My body floating away from me.
I saw my hair float around me like a mermaid, changing into a naer golden brown colour, my dress fanned out around me. The water was brilliant with lights of every different colour dancing about the coral. i spun around trying to take in the amazing scene before me. Completely forgetting my body.
Electrcity mixed with ecstasy flowed through my veins making me sway back and forth. I could hear a girl no older than I, calling me, luring me. "Avery, Avery. Won't you join me?" she sang, over and over like and angels choir. Then, her voice melted away, s]changing into the paniced tone of my mother. "Avery! What are you doing? Move from there!"
I longed to go to the girl that called my name. Yearned for her intoxicating voice, her hypnotizing songs. She was like a Siren and I the sailer. "Come find me Ave." i heard her whisper. I raised my hands out to my sides and let my body tip off the edge of the cliff. I heard my mother call my name on last time, then nothing.
My body glided threw the air, and I felt like I was flying.
I hit the freezing cold water and an agonizing pain split through every crevice of my being. Then as fast as it had come it went away. Then something caught my eye. A slender body was floating up above me. The body of a girl with flowing brown hair and pale skin. I quickly realized that it was my body. My body floating away from me.
I saw my hair float around me like a mermaid, changing into a naer golden brown colour, my dress fanned out around me. The water was brilliant with lights of every different colour dancing about the coral. i spun around trying to take in the amazing scene before me. Completely forgetting my body.
Her Name Is Alice.
Alice was standing in the middle of a battle field. Screams and cries sounded all around her as wolves attacked men with sharp teeth and and bat-like wings. Tears ran down her face as she saw the world burning around her. Ashes and dead flower petals fell from the sky like and endless rain. Pools of blood covered the Earth. Whose, Alice couldn't tell. She tried screaming, tried telling them to stop, but they didn't seem to hear her. She whirled around shouting to anyone who would listen, then she saw him.
A man who seemed timeless. his image faded in and out, but Alice still saw him as if he were truly there. He stood seven feet tall, with long golden curls that hung to his shoulders. Crystal blue eyes, fair skin, and intoxicaling pink lips, along with broud shoulders and a muscular chest. He was concentrating hard, his forehead creased with tension.
Everywhere around him was burning. The flames engulfing anything that came near. Wolves and vampires alike, ran burning. Some rolled on the floor, in the pools of blood, but nothing could help. Nothing would douse the flames.
The man's eyes flashed to Alice, a small smile playing on his lips as he watched her. "This was the only way" he said, his voice like that of the angel he was no more. As he looked away, Alice remembered something she couldnt quite place where she had heard. "Sun of morning, save our souls, it seems our all powerful God has given up on us."
A burning vampire with his bat wings extended, gradded her shoulder, the flames licking at her skin. "SAVE ME!" he was screaming. Then another grabbed her wrist. More and more came, holding onto different parts of her body, flames scorching her skin. Soon she was covered with them they began blocking out her vision, untilm all she could see were the burning bodies of demons...
A man who seemed timeless. his image faded in and out, but Alice still saw him as if he were truly there. He stood seven feet tall, with long golden curls that hung to his shoulders. Crystal blue eyes, fair skin, and intoxicaling pink lips, along with broud shoulders and a muscular chest. He was concentrating hard, his forehead creased with tension.
Everywhere around him was burning. The flames engulfing anything that came near. Wolves and vampires alike, ran burning. Some rolled on the floor, in the pools of blood, but nothing could help. Nothing would douse the flames.
The man's eyes flashed to Alice, a small smile playing on his lips as he watched her. "This was the only way" he said, his voice like that of the angel he was no more. As he looked away, Alice remembered something she couldnt quite place where she had heard. "Sun of morning, save our souls, it seems our all powerful God has given up on us."
A burning vampire with his bat wings extended, gradded her shoulder, the flames licking at her skin. "SAVE ME!" he was screaming. Then another grabbed her wrist. More and more came, holding onto different parts of her body, flames scorching her skin. Soon she was covered with them they began blocking out her vision, untilm all she could see were the burning bodies of demons...
Friday, May 20, 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Never Give In
I was just listening to the song "Never Give In" by Black Veil Brides and it inspired me to tell anyone who has ever been called a loser, cutter, emo, goth, freak, or anything else that you aren’t what they say you are. You are beautiful and smart and lovely and amazing and awesome and cool and perfect. You have every right to be different. They are the ones who have no right to judge you, call you names and tell you that you don’t deserve what is rightfully yours.
You have earned the right to be different and amazing because you are the one who will stand tall in the end. People shouldn’t have the right to be so judge-mental just because they don’t like the way to talk or dress or act or the music you listen to or the things you display on your body(tattoos. Piercing etc...)
You get to be alien and you get to love every minute of it.
My name "Shane Stone Freak" is an example of that. I’m a freak and I know it. And you know what I love being a freak and I love seeing how shocked people are when they find out that I’m so weird. I love the look on their face. Its like a shot of adrenaline. I get a high off of it. You should embrace your differences and don’t let anyone put you down because it doesn’t get any better than you.
You have earned the right to be different and amazing because you are the one who will stand tall in the end. People shouldn’t have the right to be so judge-mental just because they don’t like the way to talk or dress or act or the music you listen to or the things you display on your body(tattoos. Piercing etc...)
You get to be alien and you get to love every minute of it.
My name "Shane Stone Freak" is an example of that. I’m a freak and I know it. And you know what I love being a freak and I love seeing how shocked people are when they find out that I’m so weird. I love the look on their face. Its like a shot of adrenaline. I get a high off of it. You should embrace your differences and don’t let anyone put you down because it doesn’t get any better than you.
Song Of The Siren
Beautiful, Heartfelt
Singing, Dancing, Loving
Feeling warm and bright
laughs, freeing, hoping
Escpae The Fate
Is hard to reach
Wandering around here
Lost with no direction and hope
Break free.
Is hard to reach
Wandering around here
Lost with no direction and hope
Break free.
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