Catholics don’t read!
Okay so, you know how they say that Christ is their savior, what is the demonic equivalent? that’s something I want to know. Cause that guy, is my savior. I am really atheist, but I like bothering Christians, so I happen to believe in the devil’s way more than I do God’s. And this is because I see where he’s coming from when they say he fell for the corrupt authority in Heaven, or because God didn’t love him like He did the humans, or simply because he wanted more power.
Heaven: He had good reason to fall. The authority in Heaven is corrupt. Why should God chose who is good and who is evil? Why should he get to say who is worthy of Heaven and who is damned? He really has no right. If he mad us and is the cause of everything we do then he is the one that mad us evil, right? So wouldn’t that make god evil too?
Love: God shouldn’t have shown favoritism. If he created these perfect beings shouldn’t he have loved them like the humans if nit more? I respect angels more than I do humans. And people don’t even believe in them. I’m not saying that god shouldn’t have loved humans, I’m just saying that he could have shown some more love to the angels.
Power: Why must God have all the power? Why can he share? If you ask me he’s being selfish, I do believe that’s at least a blasphemy. Lucifer was top notch angel and he had, very little power. If God would have gave him more power then maybe, just maybe, we wouldn’t have a devil right now, there would be so much less fighting! (And another thing, if Christians didn’t force their religion on people and say that other religions are false then there would be less fights to.) Power is everything to a person and if Lucifer fell because of it that shows just how great gods power is, he couldn’t even make is best angel holy.
So there you have it, three reasons why Lucifer fell and three reasons why it is justified. The devil is my savior because he was right to do the things he did and god was wrong on many levels. There is nothing to justify why God had a corrupt authority and why he didn’t love equally and why he was selfish with his power. If you ask me, it is god who is evil and Satan who is good.
This blog is for Shane Stoner Freak to rant about books, the ones she's reading and writing! she also posts quotes and amazing pics!
Welcome To Hell
Welcome to Hell Folks! Shane is a Young YA Fic Author, who is currently writing her first novel titled "My Lady, The Reaper" and "Non Serviam". She is also writing a novel with her sister Dylan titled, "Welcome To Hell", hence Shanes intro. In this blog, Shane Will be writing about books she has read, and the books she is currently writing. She also tends to post quotes, mostly about the devil. She is a shameless Athiest, who hates it when people force their religion on her. She's a Aries and gets bored easily, so post good things. Follow her and she will follow back! And yes, She speaks in third person! Don't Judge!
About Me

- ShaneStonerFreak
- She's a younge novelist trying to finish her first YA book and get published before she finishes school. And yeah, she speaks in 3rd person.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Thursday, July 28, 2011
The Fallen Series by Lauren Kate:
These books were really really good! I have to admit, I loved them. So your wondering why I just gave it an 8. It’s simple really… I hated Daniel! Awwwww! He was so boring and nice! The story goes: Luce is your average teenage girl who sees these mysterious shadows that haunt her. Her boyfriend dies in a fire and she was the only one there, only she doesn’t remember what happened. She gets sent to a reform type school where she meets all of these odd people who are actually angels! One of these odd people is Daniel Gregory, I think that’s how you spell his name anyways. He flicks her off when he first sees her then he just avoids her, and she is drawn to him. Later you find out that he is her undying lover. I mean really! every time she remembers her curse with Daniel she dies and her curse is if she ever remembers then she dies so yeah. Daniel also being an angel doesn’t die, but Luce being human always dies and it drives Daniel crazy so he avoids her! You also meet Cam, one of the amazingly hot fallen/sides with hell angels! I love Cam! He was hot and daring and manly in a way that Daniel was not and I hate that Daniel wasn’t. we was supposed to be perfect , but I guess everyone has a different idea of perfect. Like my perfect, is imperfect, I like a guy who looks like his nose is broken, its hot!
Anyways… Cam tries to kill Luce because she wasn’t claimed by a side, (Heaven or Hell) and he’s a fallen so yeah. She doesn’t die though. And then in the second book they find out that someone is coming after Luce, someone with greater power. So Daniel and Cam team up and put Luce in a school for half angels! There she meets the sweet caring Miles! And she finds out that her shadows are these things called announcers, and that they are just her past memories. Which is good to know. But then Luce starts to get the feeling that Daniel doesn’t really love her cause he’s always leaving her, and she also thinks that he is just with her cause of the curse. So she kisses Miles and then Daniel gets mad. But then their one of those couples who get over things really fast and then love perfectly happily ever after.
So later they go to Luce’s families Thanksgiving. And I mean everyone, angels, fallen, half angels and then Luce her best friend who you don’t see much and her parents who you never saw again, in the third book I mean, but there will be fourth. Anyways yeah so they are all there and then Luce’s parents go to walk the dog and then all hell breaks lose in the house. The higher evil, the outsiders, part of heaven nor hell, come to kill Luce, and everyone is trying to protect her and then when it’s all over and Luce is safe she jumps into and announcer. And then there’s the third book.
Where Luce is jumping thru all her past lives to try to find out why Daniel loves her and if she can break the curse. Along the way she meets the devil named Bill. Yeah he said his name was Bill. And she doesn’t realize he’s evil until he like sucks her into outer space, or that’s where I thought it was. She finds out that he wants Daniel and Luce’s love to never be for some odd reason. Anyway Daniel makes the loophole for their curse and then the book ends and the you read the epilog where Luce finally tells Daniel what the devil did and then their all like, “Oh lets gather all the angels and make a game plan. And then the book really ends. But yeah I don’t like Daniel cause he is just too nice and seems like a total wuss, and a sap and I don’t like him! But it was a good series and I cant wait to read the last book titled “Rapture.”
Anyways… Cam tries to kill Luce because she wasn’t claimed by a side, (Heaven or Hell) and he’s a fallen so yeah. She doesn’t die though. And then in the second book they find out that someone is coming after Luce, someone with greater power. So Daniel and Cam team up and put Luce in a school for half angels! There she meets the sweet caring Miles! And she finds out that her shadows are these things called announcers, and that they are just her past memories. Which is good to know. But then Luce starts to get the feeling that Daniel doesn’t really love her cause he’s always leaving her, and she also thinks that he is just with her cause of the curse. So she kisses Miles and then Daniel gets mad. But then their one of those couples who get over things really fast and then love perfectly happily ever after.
So later they go to Luce’s families Thanksgiving. And I mean everyone, angels, fallen, half angels and then Luce her best friend who you don’t see much and her parents who you never saw again, in the third book I mean, but there will be fourth. Anyways yeah so they are all there and then Luce’s parents go to walk the dog and then all hell breaks lose in the house. The higher evil, the outsiders, part of heaven nor hell, come to kill Luce, and everyone is trying to protect her and then when it’s all over and Luce is safe she jumps into and announcer. And then there’s the third book.
Where Luce is jumping thru all her past lives to try to find out why Daniel loves her and if she can break the curse. Along the way she meets the devil named Bill. Yeah he said his name was Bill. And she doesn’t realize he’s evil until he like sucks her into outer space, or that’s where I thought it was. She finds out that he wants Daniel and Luce’s love to never be for some odd reason. Anyway Daniel makes the loophole for their curse and then the book ends and the you read the epilog where Luce finally tells Daniel what the devil did and then their all like, “Oh lets gather all the angels and make a game plan. And then the book really ends. But yeah I don’t like Daniel cause he is just too nice and seems like a total wuss, and a sap and I don’t like him! But it was a good series and I cant wait to read the last book titled “Rapture.”
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
New Posts Will Come:
Yes Spyro Stoner has not posted anything in a while, she will, she has been busy. She has been reading nonstop since the loast day she posted, yesterday she spent four hours in the library. now she is finally posting again, and she will write reviews just as soon as she finishes reading the millions of books she got! sooo yeah, she will post reviews just later on, hopfully not to later! tally hoe!
Stay Fresh
Young Love,
SpyroStonerFreak OUT!!!
Stay Fresh
Young Love,
SpyroStonerFreak OUT!!!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Quotes about the devil...the best kind:
Heaven sends us good meat, but the Devil sends cooks.
David Garrick
Beauty and the Devil are the same thing
Robert Mapplethrope
He who falls into sin is a man, who grieves in it is a saint, and who boasts of it is the Devil
Thomas Fuller
Dont you know that there ain't no Devil... It's just God when he's drunk!
I could care less about what people think. I'm a Devil Without A Cause.
Kid Rock
I don't really believe in the Devil, but if the Devil is the Father of Lies, then he certainly invented the Internet.
Ken MaLeod
I know nothing of God or the Devil. I have never seen a vision nor learned a secret that would damn or save my soul.
Anne Rice
I praticed making faces in the mirror and it would drive my mother crazy. She used to scare me by saying that I was going to see the devil if I kept looking in the mirror. That fascinated me even more, of course.
Jim Carrey
I think there's a bit of the devil in everybody. There's a bit of a priest in everybody, too, but I enjoyed playing the devil more. He was more fun.
Gabriel Byrne
If I'm alone too long I think too much, and I'm not interested in doing that. That won't lead anywhere good, I'm sure. If I'm busy I tend to stay out of trouble. An idle mind is the devil's playground.
Lisa Marie Presley
If power made one evil, then God would be the Devil.
Jonah Goldbreg
If you get down and quarell everyday, you're saying prayers to the devil, I say.
Bob Marley
If you make money your god, it will plague you like the devil.
Henry Fielding
If you young fellows were wise, the devil couldn't do anything to you, but since you aren't wise, you need us who are old. Martin Luther
It is so stupid of modern civilisation to have given up believing in the devil when he is the only explanation of it. Ronald Knox
Laughter kills fear, and without fear there can be no faith. For without fear of the devil there is no need for God. Sean Connery (I do not fear the Devil, But I do believe in him)
Neutral men are the devil's allies. Edwin Hubbel Chapin
O thou invisible spirit of wine, if thou hast no name to be known by, let us call thee devil. William Shakespeare
Probably the worst time in a person's life is when they have to kill a family member because they are the devil. But otherwise it's been a pretty good day. Emo Philips
Telephone, n. An invention of the devil which abrogates some of the advantages of making a disagreeable person keep his distance. Ambrose Bierce
Temptation is the devil looking through the keyhole. Yielding is opening the door and inviting him in. Billy Sunday (No worriesLucifer, I'll invite you and whoever you want from back home... in hell that is.)
The devil's voice is sweet to hear. Stephen King
The good news is there's no devil. The bad news is there's no heaven. There's nothing.
The idea that religion and politics don't mix was invented by the Devil to keep Christians from running their own country.
Jerry Falwell
Whenever you make love to someone, there should be three people involved - you, the other person, and the devil.
Robert MapplethorpeWhy doesn't that Devil take me with him? It would be much better with him than it is here.
Eva Braun
You always fall for the rascal or the guy who's got a little bit of the devil in him. You can't help it.
Debbie Harry (I fell for the Devil once apon a time, but he didnt want me bacause he was affraid i woluld overthrow him and control Hell myself!)Kerry Packer (This One I Believe)
David Garrick
Beauty and the Devil are the same thing
Robert Mapplethrope
He who falls into sin is a man, who grieves in it is a saint, and who boasts of it is the Devil
Thomas Fuller
Dont you know that there ain't no Devil... It's just God when he's drunk!
I could care less about what people think. I'm a Devil Without A Cause.
Kid Rock
I don't really believe in the Devil, but if the Devil is the Father of Lies, then he certainly invented the Internet.
Ken MaLeod
I know nothing of God or the Devil. I have never seen a vision nor learned a secret that would damn or save my soul.
Anne Rice
I praticed making faces in the mirror and it would drive my mother crazy. She used to scare me by saying that I was going to see the devil if I kept looking in the mirror. That fascinated me even more, of course.
Jim Carrey
I think there's a bit of the devil in everybody. There's a bit of a priest in everybody, too, but I enjoyed playing the devil more. He was more fun.
Gabriel Byrne
If I'm alone too long I think too much, and I'm not interested in doing that. That won't lead anywhere good, I'm sure. If I'm busy I tend to stay out of trouble. An idle mind is the devil's playground.
Lisa Marie Presley
If power made one evil, then God would be the Devil.
Jonah Goldbreg
If you get down and quarell everyday, you're saying prayers to the devil, I say.
Bob Marley
If you make money your god, it will plague you like the devil.
Henry Fielding
If you young fellows were wise, the devil couldn't do anything to you, but since you aren't wise, you need us who are old. Martin Luther
It is so stupid of modern civilisation to have given up believing in the devil when he is the only explanation of it. Ronald Knox
Laughter kills fear, and without fear there can be no faith. For without fear of the devil there is no need for God. Sean Connery (I do not fear the Devil, But I do believe in him)
Neutral men are the devil's allies. Edwin Hubbel Chapin
O thou invisible spirit of wine, if thou hast no name to be known by, let us call thee devil. William Shakespeare
Probably the worst time in a person's life is when they have to kill a family member because they are the devil. But otherwise it's been a pretty good day. Emo Philips
Telephone, n. An invention of the devil which abrogates some of the advantages of making a disagreeable person keep his distance. Ambrose Bierce
Temptation is the devil looking through the keyhole. Yielding is opening the door and inviting him in. Billy Sunday (No worriesLucifer, I'll invite you and whoever you want from back home... in hell that is.)
The devil's voice is sweet to hear. Stephen King
The good news is there's no devil. The bad news is there's no heaven. There's nothing.
The idea that religion and politics don't mix was invented by the Devil to keep Christians from running their own country.
Jerry Falwell
Whenever you make love to someone, there should be three people involved - you, the other person, and the devil.
Robert MapplethorpeWhy doesn't that Devil take me with him? It would be much better with him than it is here.
Eva Braun
You always fall for the rascal or the guy who's got a little bit of the devil in him. You can't help it.
Debbie Harry (I fell for the Devil once apon a time, but he didnt want me bacause he was affraid i woluld overthrow him and control Hell myself!)Kerry Packer (This One I Believe)
My Baby Weegi!
I just love his colour!!!!!he's pretty!
This Is For You Bubbles!
This is "My Immortal" by Evanescence, or i think thats how you spell it!
And this is "Cut" bu Plumb! really amazing!
And this is "Cut" bu Plumb! really amazing!
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Carnival of Rust:
Poets Of The Fall is a Finish band with a great Ppwerful voice! Spyro cried when she first heard this song because the guy sings with so mush passion.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Just met this girl on youtube! She's a cutter who has been through a lot and she's so nice! we just started talking but she seems like a good person! She says she's like a breeze at night,which i got to admit is a really nice way to describe yourself as opposed to a FREAK. (ME) I'm glad i saw her comment on a video for Cutters lullaby, I'm glad that she wasnt affraid to answer when i said she could talk to me, i'm glad she is still talking to me even though im a Freak! im smiling ten miles wide right now even though you cantsee it... and if you happen to be wondering why i am all of asudden speaking in first person it's because i am Now Angel the real SpyroStonerFreak the one who is happy and nice! In case you didnt know Spyro/Angel/Shane/Alice/Jev/Jade (All my personalities) are all in me sort of... i have DID also known as MPD or multi-personality disorder, and i just so happen to ab schizophrenic... if you dont know what that it!
I Miss You...Sorta:
To Bowler!!!!!
Spyro hasnt talked to you in a while, she doesnt know if you still reqad her blog, but her comments arent working!!!
She just wanted to say that she sorta kinda misses you in a way!
Bowler waas funny and sorta nice! And Spyro misses talking to you!!!! Talk to her AGAIN!!!!
Spyro hasnt talked to you in a while, she doesnt know if you still reqad her blog, but her comments arent working!!!
She just wanted to say that she sorta kinda misses you in a way!
Bowler waas funny and sorta nice! And Spyro misses talking to you!!!! Talk to her AGAIN!!!!
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Most of this is ture, i would love a guy like that, only, i need a real man, so he cant be a total wuss, he cant back down, he has to fight with me, he has to beat up other guys who try to hurt me, he has to tell me that i'm wrong, he has to make me want him, and make sure i dont get bored. he has to be with me, but not all the time, he has to be honest, and he has to have mystery,and he has to be exitng. he has to tell me about what his going thru, and he cant make me say something i dont want to. he has to respect me choices and make his own, he has to kick ass and be hgental, he has to listen when i talk, and get jelous when i flirt with other guys he has to make me want him all the time, and show me he wants me. He has to LOVE me.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
A Cutters lullaby
Holy crap!!! Spyrodont know who wroteit but it's good!!! Props to you my Friend!!!
Go to sleep and close your eyes,
And dream of broken butterflies
That tore their wings against a thorn
You know the pain that they've endured
Silver metal, shine so bright
Scarlet blood that feels so right
Dream of blood trickling down
And wake up just before you drown
The moonlight’s shinning off your tears
As you bleed out your worst fears
So tonight when you start to cry
Whisper the cutters lullaby:
Hushabye baby, you’re almost dead.
You don’t have a pulse and your pillow’s red.
Your family hates you and your friends let you bleed.
Sleep tight with a knife cause that’s all you’ll need.
Rockabye baby, broken and scarred
You didn’t know that life should be this hard.
Time to end the pain you hid so well
Down you’ll come baby, straight back to Hell.
It controls who comes into your life,
but youcontrol:
who you let walk out,
who you let stay,
and who you refuse to let go
but youcontrol:
who you let walk out,
who you let stay,
and who you refuse to let go
Giving Up:
Givingup doesnt mean you're weak...
sometimesit just means you're stronge
enough to let go...
i dont know if i already poested this, but it really keeps me going!
sometimesit just means you're stronge
enough to let go...
i dont know if i already poested this, but it really keeps me going!
Beautiful Creatures By Kami Garcia & Margaret Stohl:
I’d like to start this review saying sorry to Kami And Margaret. I’m sorry I hated your book so much, but it really sucked. Now I’ve never seen a book review on something someone hasn’t liked so here’s a first for me. I HATE BEAUTIFUL CREATURES!!!!!!! This book really did suck the only reason I gave it a 2 was because the concept was good and the people were nice to imagine, plus I like the name Ethan, for different reasons. That was it! Everything else sucked, I didn’t like the way it was written, I hated how the chapters were titled because it really took me a while to get that they were date, I hated that the girls name was Lena, I hated that she was the social outcast, I hated how she was so afraid of becoming evil, it’s really not that bad… you get it… not that bad? TeeHee! Anyways the book sucked, I never even finished reading it. And I’m super mad that wasted my money on it. I hate you Dylan!!! (For making me buy the book I mean!)
P.S. I still love you babe… for those of you who don’t know, Dylan is to be my Wife this coming Wednesday! And it sound weird but it’s a long story that Michael doesn’t need to know about.
Sisters Red By Jackson Pearce:
I know Jackson Pearce!
Rating: 9
Then you’re in the present and Scarlet is luring a wolf. She is about to be beaten but then her old partner, Silas, saves her. He’s just back from San Francisco. They go home and he’s immediately attracted to Rosie, and visa versa. He also offers to take them to the city. They get there and find out it’s a lot harder to attracted wolves because there is a lot more bait besides them. Throughout the whole story they are mostly trying to get kill wolves and that’s it, but there is this growing love interest between Rosie and Silas. (Which I personally enjoyed)
This relationship causes conflict between the two sisters and ultimately kind of gets Rosie kidnapped by the wolves who are looking for “The Potential”. we later go on to find out that Silas is the potential that they are looking for. In the end Silas is bitten and the bite would turn him into a wolf if he was bitten by a certain time, luckily he was bitten after then and made it alive and human, I thought he should die. It would make for a better book, but it was okay for him to live. Rosie ends up traveling with Silas and Scarlet, who I forgot to mention is missing an eye but where’s an eyes patch, stays in the city to continue hunting wolves who have and extremely high population in this book.
I gave this book a 9 because it was a little boring at times but it was a new take on red ridding hood which I really liked. It also had action that was described really well, and a good love interest. All around, I loved the book, thank you Ms. Pearce for writing it and responding to me.
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