This blog is for Shane Stoner Freak to rant about books, the ones she's reading and writing! she also posts quotes and amazing pics!
Welcome To Hell
Welcome to Hell Folks! Shane is a Young YA Fic Author, who is currently writing her first novel titled "My Lady, The Reaper" and "Non Serviam". She is also writing a novel with her sister Dylan titled, "Welcome To Hell", hence Shanes intro. In this blog, Shane Will be writing about books she has read, and the books she is currently writing. She also tends to post quotes, mostly about the devil. She is a shameless Athiest, who hates it when people force their religion on her. She's a Aries and gets bored easily, so post good things. Follow her and she will follow back! And yes, She speaks in third person! Don't Judge!
About Me

- ShaneStonerFreak
- She's a younge novelist trying to finish her first YA book and get published before she finishes school. And yeah, she speaks in 3rd person.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Just met this girl on youtube! She's a cutter who has been through a lot and she's so nice! we just started talking but she seems like a good person! She says she's like a breeze at night,which i got to admit is a really nice way to describe yourself as opposed to a FREAK. (ME) I'm glad i saw her comment on a video for Cutters lullaby, I'm glad that she wasnt affraid to answer when i said she could talk to me, i'm glad she is still talking to me even though im a Freak! im smiling ten miles wide right now even though you cantsee it... and if you happen to be wondering why i am all of asudden speaking in first person it's because i am Now Angel the real SpyroStonerFreak the one who is happy and nice! In case you didnt know Spyro/Angel/Shane/Alice/Jev/Jade (All my personalities) are all in me sort of... i have DID also known as MPD or multi-personality disorder, and i just so happen to ab schizophrenic... if you dont know what that it!
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So are you thinking of changing your name to SpyroStonerNightBreeze