Welcome To Hell

Welcome to Hell Folks! Shane is a Young YA Fic Author, who is currently writing her first novel titled "My Lady, The Reaper" and "Non Serviam". She is also writing a novel with her sister Dylan titled, "Welcome To Hell", hence Shanes intro. In this blog, Shane Will be writing about books she has read, and the books she is currently writing. She also tends to post quotes, mostly about the devil. She is a shameless Athiest, who hates it when people force their religion on her. She's a Aries and gets bored easily, so post good things. Follow her and she will follow back! And yes, She speaks in third person! Don't Judge!

About Me

My photo
She's a younge novelist trying to finish her first YA book and get published before she finishes school. And yeah, she speaks in 3rd person.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How I Get Away With Writing:

There is a lot of different things I do to write. For instance, i do everything else first..................i know it sounds crazy, butthats what you have to do. if i have to check my mail or make a call, or do homework, i'll never write. so i do it all, so that i have no choice but to write.
But sometimes i dont have any inspiration. this is big for many people, they feel like writing,but theyb have nothing to say...this is easily solved in my opinion.alls you have to do itlisten to music.........or the music i listen to anyways. things like Breaking Benjamins, Black Veil Brides, Broken Iris, Atreyu (in their old days) Avendged Sevenfold, Three Days Grace, anyone that might have semi interesting lyrics. that way, you hear maybe just a line and you have an entie book in your head. trust me, this has happened several times. a line like "the promise of death and distruction" or "hell is now satisfied" inspired entire books, given i havent written them yet.
the next thing you do is....wait for it.....keep listening to music. if it doesnt stop you dont stop. so keep that headphones in!
i write by hand first, so if your like me,get a really good pen, that is nice to hold onto.
keep away from things like the phone computer and tv, those are distractions that dont stop distracting!!!
After you have written a scene, re-read it!you must amke sure there are no gramatical erroers and such! then, here comes the big part! post it somewhere!!! dont give it to your best firnd, or your mother or your brother, let complete starngers read it, they never lie!
posting on a BLOG, or a site like Wattpad or Quizilla will ensure that you get to keep your story and help you get self confidence in your writng. people will tell you if your good or if you stink they will not lie to you and you will know if writing is something you want to persure or not.
if you are affraid of people judging you, you cant bea writer, people are going to judge you no matter waht you do, so yeah, theres that.
okay i think im done!
~Lady Trix/ShaneStonerFreak is out!

1 comment:

  1. I find it comical that you said to make sure there aren't any grammatical errors but this post seems "speed typed"
