Welcome To Hell

Welcome to Hell Folks! Shane is a Young YA Fic Author, who is currently writing her first novel titled "My Lady, The Reaper" and "Non Serviam". She is also writing a novel with her sister Dylan titled, "Welcome To Hell", hence Shanes intro. In this blog, Shane Will be writing about books she has read, and the books she is currently writing. She also tends to post quotes, mostly about the devil. She is a shameless Athiest, who hates it when people force their religion on her. She's a Aries and gets bored easily, so post good things. Follow her and she will follow back! And yes, She speaks in third person! Don't Judge!

About Me

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She's a younge novelist trying to finish her first YA book and get published before she finishes school. And yeah, she speaks in 3rd person.

Monday, June 27, 2011

To Bowler:

What about whitches? Spyro wasn't a witch, she was a cansygirl... live candyman just a girl. It was a dare. Cuz Michael (The BF) was a candyman, but not like in the movie, just like the guy that sells candy to kids. Anyways, Bowler might have seen Spyro around school onec or twice thats why she looks firmilliar. Spyro doesnt know what e;se to say... so...

SpyroStonerFreak OUT!!!

1 comment:

  1. you have them one place ahead. That picture of your sister looked like a witch (not in an offensive way). I was saying your BF looks like someone I know, but can't say I've seen you around the halls. I speed-walk to my classes anyway, so everyone's face is a blur in my mind.
